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Current Status

Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 6 Date 15.04.2024

What has been achieved

  • Documentation for the features

  • FEA403 Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities

  • FEA404 Enforce secure coding practices

  • FEA405 Implement automated security testing pipeline

  • FEA512 Regularly update and patch the underlying technology stack

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Nothing has been brought up

Next steps

  • Update documentation

  • Finishing touches on features

  • Prepare for Seminar Day

Status of sprint 5 Date 05.04.2024

What has been achieved

  • FEA106 Improve dark mode colors

  • FEA110 Enhance color contrast for color blindness

  • FEA112 Update sites branding

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Not yet

Next steps

  • Working on rest of features

  • Sprint review

  • Update documentation

  • Prepare for Demo Day

Status of sprint 4 Date 22.03.2024

What has been achieved

  • FEA106 Improve dark mode colors

  • FEA112 Update sites branding

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Not yet

Next steps

  • Working on features

  • Update documentation

Status of sprint 4 Date 15.03.2024

What has been achieved

  • Working on features

  • Update project roadmap and documentation

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Not yet

Next steps

  • Continue working on features

  • Team lunch 18.03.202

  • Update documentation

Status of sprint 3 Date 08.03.2024

What has been achieved

  • User stories to backlog

  • FEA112 Change branding to team and JAMK brand

  • Studying features

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Not yet

Next steps

  • Documentation

  • Implemention and learning of features

Status of sprint 2 Date 23.02.2024

What has been achieved

  • Documentation ready for Gate 1 review

  • Project cost estimation made

  • Features selected

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Not yet

Next steps

  • Winter break

  • Feature implemention

Status of sprint 1 Date 09.02.2024

What has been achieved

  • Tukko running on cPouta

  • Documentation for project plan and requirement specification

  • Overall progress with the project

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Nothing hasn't been brought up

Next steps

  • All of the things specified in #47
  • More documentation to requirement specification and to features

Status of sprint 0 Date 26.01.2024

What has been achieved

  • Team Leader & Page Administrator were chosen

  • Project working environment (OPF&SITE) is up and running

  • Milestones and issues were added & assignees assigned

  • Issue board is up to date

  • Familiarized with Tukko & its repositories

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Not yet?

Next steps

  • Beginning of the new sprint 01 (features and user stories of assignment will be revealed then).