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Definition of Done

DOD = Definition of Done

DOD stands for Definition of Done in agile development. It is a set of criteria that a team agrees to meet before declaring a product or feature as completed. The purpose of DOD is to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding between the development team and the stakeholders about what constitutes as done. For example, a DOD might include code quality, testing, documentation, and user feedback.

  1. Pair review: Another team member reviews the work to validate quality, compatibility, and provide feedback.
  2. Testing: The task has undergone comprehensive testing to ensure functionality, performance, efficiency, and reliability of the code.
  3. Documentation: Essential documentation is maintained to facilitate clear communication, aid in future product understanding, and support other team members.
  4. Implementation in version control: The task's code has been successfully committed or merged into the designated version control system.
  5. Together reviewed: The work has undergone thorough review by the team to ensure alignment with established standards and goals.