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Project plan

Document Project Plan
Author: Daniil Lebedev
Version: 0.1
Date: 19.02.2024

1. Assignment

1.1 Background and starting points

This project goal is to further develop service "Tukko-Traffic Visualizer" for our client Combitech Finland.

IoTitude developed this open-source service earlier in WIMMA Lab 2023, which utilizes public traffic APIs, particularly Digitraffic. This service provides data visualizations on a map, allowing users to select vehicle types and various timescales.

As a team, we are looking to improve user interface and enforce secure coding practices for this service.

1.2 Goals and tasks

Main goal and task of this project is to develop existing Tukko-service in areas which were adressed by our client. These tasks include introducing new user interface features and new security practices.

Features we are currently interested in developing are:

FEA Number Feature User Stories Priority
FEA106 Improve dark mode colors US045 P1
FEA110 Enchance color contrast US046 P1
FEA112 Change branding to team and JAMK brand US062 P1
FEA404 Enforce secure coding practices US018 P1
FEA512 Regularly update and patch the underlying technology stack US035 P1
FEA403 Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities US017 P1
FEA405 Implement automated security testing pipeline US019 P1

1.3 Limitations and interfaces

In this section, we will define the limitations and the interfaces of the futher development of the Tukko-Traffic Visualizer. This includes specifying any external components or factors that may restrict or impact the implementation of the project. Additionally, we will identify any specific task cases that are not within the scope ( but may be associated with the overall task ).


1. Technical limitation: Service is operating on certain programming languages and software. Because we only further developing this service, these shouldn't be changed and it limits some of the developing options.

2. Time Constraints: This project has a time limit, phasing and a deadline. This will have an impact on the amount of time that can be used on development.

Interfaces: TODO

1.4 Rights and IPR

The rights and IPR related to this project are governed by the project agreement. Any separate agreements will be added.

1.5 Terms and definitions

This section presents the definitions, terms, and abbreviations used in the project plan to ensure clear communication and avoid misunderstandings. It is important for the Client (Combitech Oy), the organization (Croissant), and the team (IoTitude) to have a common understanding of these terms.

Some of the most common and important abbreviation are:

  • brb = Be right back :-3


2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

Project Group

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Daniil Lebedev Team Lead Croissant
Juho Kylmä Operations Croissant
Eetu Hyyrynen Tester Croissant
Matilda Stenius Development Croissant
Oliver Paajanen Generalist Croissant
Pasi Salokoski Security Croissant

Board Members

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Reima Parviainen Client Representative Combitech Oy
Marko Rintamäki Scrum Master JAMK

Support Group

The support group, comprising other stakeholders involved in the project, such as the customer (Combitech Oy) and external consultants, will provide guidance and assistance to the project group. Their specific roles and responsibilities will be outlined accordingly.

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

The project will follow the schedule and resource plan, ensuring that tasks are executed within the allocated timeframes and with the available resources.

2.4.Quality verification

To ensure the quality of the project deliverables, a comprehensive quality verification process will be implemented.

2.5.Communication and tracking of project progress

For communication and project progress tracking some services are used:

  1. Communication: Discord and Teams will be used as the primary communication platforms for development team.
  2. Documentation: Gitlab OPF-repository will be used for reporting, documentation and version control.
  3. Workspaces: Workspaces are organized in Future Factory Discord -channel.
  4. Information Storage: Important project related information is stored in the Gitlab-repository

2.6.The end of the project

At the end of the project result and all required and related information will be delievered to the client. Team will also write a project report with conclussions, outcomes etc.

3. Project's temporal Gates

3.1 Partitioning and Phase

The progress of the project can be described as a Gantt chart.It can be used to show the progress of different phases with a timeline, while showing the critical points associated with different tasks.

GANT using PlantUML

uml diagram Project Gates

Milestone - Gate 0

  • Team's ready for assignment
  • Team Leader selected
  • Team has found name
  • Project working environment (OPF+SITES) up and running
  • Home page updated
  • Status page updated

Milestone - Gate 1

  • Offer ready for customer
  • Project Plan ready for review
  • Requirement Specification ready for review
  • Preliminary testplan ready of review
  • Review checkpoint known

Milestone - Gate 2

  • Project status
  • Used resources and progress
  • Problems and achievement

Milestone - Gate 3

  • Collect observations on the current implementation
  • Prepare the demo

Milestone - Gate 4

  • Produced solution is ready for delivery
  • Final report

3.2 Project preliminary cost estimate

Presenting a cost estimate with a table:


4. Quality assurance

  1. Define Working Methods: First, outline the project's working methods encompassing development processes, coding standards, and testing procedures. Thoroughly document these methods to ensure consistent adherence from all team members.

  2. Select Appropriate Instruments: Identify and choose suitable tools and software for project management, version control, issue tracking, and documentation. Opt for GitLab and the Open Project Framework to serve as the platform for test documentation, efficiently organizing and managing test cases, plans, and results.

  3. Establish Instructions and Standards: Set forth clear instructions and standards governing development, testing, and documentation processes. This includes defining coding conventions, testing methodologies, and documentation guidelines to uphold uniformity and quality across the project.

  4. Ensure Compliance: Identify specific requirements or standards mandated by the client or industry regulations. Ensure that the project team adheres to these requirements and integrates them seamlessly into the quality assurance processes.

  5. Collaborate with TESTribe: Partner with TESTribe, the dedicated testing and QA team, to execute thorough testing of the software. Define the testing scope, coverage, and strategies in coordination with TESTribe to ensure comprehensive testing.

  6. Implement Information Management: Set up an information and version management system to track and store project documents, including the project plan and test documentation. Clearly communicate the location of the latest versions to all stakeholders involved.

  7. Establish Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms: Develop a system for monitoring project progress and reporting on quality metrics. Regularly review and analyze project performance against predefined goals and metrics, leveraging insights from TESTribe's testing efforts.

  8. Appoint Subject Matter Experts: Identify critical devices or software components within the project and designate subject matter experts possessing deep knowledge and expertise in those areas. These experts, including members of TESTribe, will offer guidance and support to ensure the quality of these components.

  9. Emphasize Documentation: Stress the importance of documenting all project activities, decisions, and changes. Utilize GitLab and the Open Project Framework as the central platform for documenting test cases, plans, and results, ensuring comprehensive and up-to-date documentation.

4.1 Approval of intermediate and results

  1. Development Team Responsibility: The development team holds the responsibility for generating intermediate results within the project, such as software components or features.

  2. Testing Team (TESTribe) Verification: The testing team, known as TESTribe, conducts thorough assessments of the quality and functionality of the intermediate results. They employ various testing methodologies to ensure that the results meet the necessary standards and specifications.

  3. Team Leader Oversight: The team leader assumes the role of overseeing the project's progress and evaluating the intermediate results. They review the work accomplished by both the development and testing teams, ensuring alignment with the project's goals and requirements.

  4. Product Owner's Approval: Representing Combitech, the product owner acts as the primary stakeholder in the project. They are responsible for reviewing and approving the intermediate results to guarantee they meet expectations and align with the project's objectives.

  5. Combitech Oy Review: A representative from Combitech, serving as the client, undertakes the review and approval of the intermediate results from their perspective. Their role ensures that the deliverables align with their specific requirements and expectations.

This approval chain establishes a systematic review and validation process, involving multiple stakeholders at various stages of the project. It ensures the quality and accuracy of intermediate results before progression, fostering confidence in the project's outcomes.

4.2 Manage changes

The change management procedure involves identifying proposed changes, assessing their impact, making decisions, planning and implementing the changes, communicating them to stakeholders, and monitoring their implementation.

4.3 Documentation

Documentation in the project includes the use of GitLab and Open Project Framework for test documentation, GitLab for maintaining the OPF project page, and a GitLab repository for version control and related purposes.

4.4 Risk management

4.5 Reviewing Policy

Lishes and provisionally scheduled on the project's performance review on the basis of the drawn up implementation plan.The list of reviews is presented, the preliminary time, the issues, participants and practices for the delivery of the reviewing material.

4.6 Complementary plans for the project plan

4.7 Plans for review and updating

The project plan will be reacted to deviations and environmental changes, so it is updated during the project.To this point, the dates are recorded in which the date of updating the plan at least must be checked.

4.8 Project Suspension Criteria

The Right Project Plan also includes the project's suspension criteria.However, these are not used in student projects because projects use a certain number of hours to make a result and the result will be released as it is at the end of the course.However, the project team makes a further development plan that a potential new project continues.

5. Communication and tracking of project progression (communication plan)

5.1 Communication Plan

The purpose of this communication plan is to define the communication methods and channels used for the team Croissant working on Tukko Traffic Visualizer project. Clear and consistent communication ensures good information flow as well as helps to achieve project's quality objectives.

Our team is using Discord and Teams as main forms of written and verbal communication channels.

  • Teams as daily scrum
  • Discord as main communication platform

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

The final product of the project should also be documented at a sensible level. As part of the final product may be the introduction to the customer and possibly installation or commissioning service. If the role of education for the project is considerable (for example, software users have not been involved in the project and do not know how the system works) will include a plan to attach a plan to the customer's training. In addition, if necessary, the project plan also includes an installation plan and a deployment plan.

6.2 Taxation of the project produced by the project, archiving and retention period

6.3 Official termination of the project

The project ends in 26.04.2024.

6.4 Termination

To mark the closure of the project, a joint closure seminar or event can be organized. In Finland, project team can arrange Sauna-event :)

6.5 Project Final Report

The project's final report will be prepared during the last management team meeting.