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Risk Management Plan

Document Risk Management Plan
Author: Oliver Paajanen
Version: 1.0
Date: 05.02.2024
RISK ID Description Severity Probability Action
RIS001 Team member is ill S3 3 Inform team
RIS002 Poor communication inside team S4 3 Team meetings and encourage atmosphere
RIS003 Infrastructure failure S2 3 Contact tech support, alternative ways to work
RIS004 Lack of quality assurance & testing S2 3 Improve testing processes, allocate resources for quality assurance
RIS005 Scope Creep S4 2 Meeting with stakeholders to reasses scope
RIS006 Depency on key personnel S4 4 Pass tasks evenly, communication inside team
RIS007 Lack of feedback from stakeholder S4 2 Seek feedback, schedule meetings ensuring involvement
RIS008 Team member leaves project S3 4 Redistribute responsibilities, knowledge transfer, reqruitment
RIS009 Security vulnerabilities S1 3 Investigate impact, inform stakeholders
RIS010 Incompatibility issues between sofware S3 3 Perform testing, address stakeholders

Severity descriptions

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 Significant impact on project process
S3 Moderate impact
S4 Minor impact
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed