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FEA106 - Improve dark mode colors to make dark mode more clearer.

Test Case ID TC001
Test case designer Eetu Hyyrynen
Creation date 22.02.2024
Classification functional/accessibility
Origin Feature

Test description / objective

Evaluate the enhancements made to the dark mode feature to ensure that colors do not pop out excessively, aiming for a clearer and more comfortable user experience.


Tukko in virtual machine is accessible and running.

Test Steps

Record the steps to be taken and the associated checkpoints

Step Verify Some notes
1. Open the Tukko and activate dark mode.
2. Navigate through various sections of Tukko, paying attention to the color contrast and brightness.
3. Compare the visibility of text and UI elements against the background in dark mode. Shows improved readability?
4. Close page ..
5. Collect subjective feedback from users on the comfort and readability of the dark mode.


Text and UI elements are easily distinguishable from the background. Most users find the updated dark mode colors clearer and more comfortable to view for extended periods.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

Under what conditions can a test result be accepted and discarded?

  • PASS condition: The updated dark mode demonstrates improved clarity, reduced brightness
  • FAIL CONDITION: Users report discomfort, excessive brightness from colors, or issues with readability in the updated dark mode. Or the feature has not been implemented correctly.