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FEA110 Verify Enhanced Color Contrast for Accessibility

Test Case ID TC002
Test case designer Eetu Hyyrynen
Creation date 23.02.2024
Classification functional/ accessibility
Origin Feature

Test description / objective

This test case aims to verify that the web application has sufficient color contrast between text and background elements to accommodate users with color blindness, enhancing readability and overall accessibility.


Tukko in virtual machine is accessible and running.

Test Steps

Record the steps to be taken and the associated checkpoints

Step Verify Some notes
1. Open Tukko in a browser.
2. Navigate to dark mode buttom and turn it on and off while doing step 3.
3. Browse through various sections of the web application, including text content, buttons, and input fields.
4. Use a color contrast analyzer tool to measure the contrast ratio of various elements. WCAG 2.1 minimum contrast
5. Close page


The color contrast settings are applied across the web application. Text and background elements across Tukko display sufficient contrast, adhering to WCAG 2.1 guidelines for color contrast.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

Under what conditions can a test result be accepted and discarded?

  • PASS condition: Tukko consistently maintains WCAG 2.1 compliant color contrast ratios across all tested elements, improving accessibility for users with color blindness.
  • FAIL CONDITION: Any instance where color contrast ratios fall below the WCAG 2.1 minimum requirements, potentially hindering readability for users with color blindness.