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FEA404 - Enforce Secure Coding Practices

Test Case ID TC003
Test case designer Eetu Hyyrynen
Creation date 23.02.2024
Classification functional / accessibility / security
Origin Feature

Test description / objective

Version 1.2 Ensure the application's source code, dependencies, and repository adhere to best security practices.


Tukko in virtual machine is accessible and running. My team has configured sast, secret detection and depency scanning.

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Open Vulnerability report on github Have any of these programs detected vulnerabilities?
2. Try to push a new file through
3. See if the programmes are running and examining the file


All security programs have completed their scans, and results are available.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: All security programs run successfully.
  • FAIL CONDITION: Any of the security programs fail to run.
