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Test case - Validate Site Links via Robot Framework

Test Case ID TC005
Test case designer Eetu Hyyrynen
Creation date 05.04.2024
Classification functional/accessibility
Origin Requirement

Test description / objective

The purpose of this test is to verify that all the links on the website are functioning as expected without leading to any broken or dead links.


Tukko in virtual machine is accessible and running. Ensure the Robot Framework and required libraries for link validation are installed and configured.

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Open the command line or terminal.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the test script.
3. Run the .robot file using Robot Framework.
4. Look at the results pass/fail?


The Robot Framework will execute the test script, which validates all the links on Tukko.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)


Video of the test

  • PASS condition: The automated test is run with PASS
  • FAIL CONDITION: The automated test is run with FAIL