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Tukko V1.1 Release - Team Croissant

Release Date



This release introduces several enhancements aimed at improving user experience and security.

Dark mode colors have been refined (FEA106) to enhance clarity, while color contrast has been increased (FEA110) to accommodate users with color blindness. Additionally, site branding has been updated (FEA112) to reflect Team Croissant and JAMK branding.

Security measures have been strengthened through the enforcement of secure coding practices (FEA404) and regular updates and patches (FEA512) to the underlying technology stack. Also the regular scanning for known security vulnerabilities (FEA403 & FEA405) helps the team know what vulnerabilities are in the codebase and how to avoid them.

Overall, these updates aim to enhance usability, accessibility for all users. Security enhancements help the team to develop even safer product while keeping script kiddies away.

New Features

  • FEA106: Improve dark mode colors to make dark mode more clear.
  • FEA110: Enhance color contrast for color blindness
  • FEA112: Update sites branding to team Croissant and JAMK branding
  • FEA403: Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities
  • FEA404: Enforce secure coding practices: input validation and output encoding
  • FEA405: Implement automated security testing pipeline
  • FEA512: Regularly update and patch the underlying technology stack


  • Enhancement 1: Dark color improvement helps the interface to be clearer on dark mode and thus improves usability.
  • Enhancement 2: Enhancement of color contrast helps with accessability.

Known Issues

  • Issue 1: Color contrast ratio is below the requirement on the text above water. Modify the text color so that it meets the requirements.


Acknowledgements to the team members and any other parties involved in the release.