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Tukko V1.1 Demo Release - Team Croissant

Release Date



This demo release introduces a suite of feature enhancements aimed at improving user experience, accessibility, brand consistency, and strengthen security measures.

New Features

  • FEA106: Improve dark mode colors
  • FEA110: Enhance color contrast for color blindness
  • FEA112: Change branding to team and JAMK brand
  • FEA403: Scan for known security vulnerabilities
  • FEA404: Enforce secure coding practises
  • FEA405: Automated security testing pipeline
  • FEA512: Update and patch the underlying technology stack


  • Enhancement 1: A short description of the enhancement and its benefits.
  • Enhancement 2: A short description of the enhancement and its benefits.
  • ...

Bug Fixes

  • #5: A short description of the bug and the fix implemented.
  • #6: A short description of the bug and the fix implemented.
  • ...

Known Issues

  • Issue 1: A short description of the issue and any potential workarounds.
  • Issue 2: A short description of the issue and any potential workarounds.
  • ...

Upgrade Instructions

Detailed steps on how to upgrade from the previous version, if applicable.


Acknowledgements to the team members and any other parties involved in the release.