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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Eetu Hyyrynen
Version: Ver 0.1
Date: 16.02.2024

General information

A master test plan (MTP) is a high-level document that describes the overall testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a software project or product. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key decisions, resources, risks, and deliverables involved in the testing process. It also defines the relationship and coordination among different test levels, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. An MTP helps to ensure that the testing activities are aligned with the project goals and requirements, and that the quality of the software is verified and validated. You can find more information about MTPs from these sources:

Master Test Plan

1. Introduction

The Master Test Plan (MTP) serves as a comprehensive guide outlining the approach, resources, schedules, and overall management of testing activities for a particular project or system. It provides a structured framework for testing efforts, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness in achieving quality objectives.

This document outlines our approach to testing, ensuring quality and reliability. As a dedicated team, we aim to identify defects, validate functionality, and collaborate closely with stakeholders and development teams. Our proactive approach to risk management and continuous improvement drives us to deliver a robust and user-friendly software product. Thank you for entrusting us with this responsibility.

2. Test Objectives

Testing Type Description
Ensure Software Quality The primary objective of testing is to ensure that the software product meets specified quality standards and fulfills the requirements and expectations of stakeholders.
Validate Functionality Verify that the software product functions correctly and efficiently according to its requirements and specifications.
Assess Performance Evaluate the performance characteristics of the software product, including response time, throughput, scalability, and resource utilization.
Ensure Security Assess the security posture of the software product and verify compliance with security requirements, standards, and best practices.
Validate Usability Evaluate the usability and user experience of the software product to ensure it is intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly.
Ensure Compatibility Validate the compatibility of the software product with various environments, platforms, devices, and configurations.
Facilitate Compliance Verify compliance with regulatory requirements, industry standards, and contractual obligations applicable to the software product.

3. Test Items

Dark Mode Functionality, interfaces, user scenarios

4. Features to be Tested

Describe the features of the software that will be tested.

FEA106 - Improve dark mode colors to make dark mode more clearer.

FEA110 - Enhance color contrast for color blindness

FEA404 - Enforce secure coding practices

FEA512 - Regularly update and patch the underlying technology stack

5. Features not to be Tested

All features will be tested. So that project is operating as intended.

6. Approach

Testing Type Description
Acceptance Testing Acceptance testing involves validating the software against acceptance criteria defined by stakeholders to ensure it meets user needs.
Integration Testing Integration testing verifies interactions between integrated components to validate data flow, communication protocols, and interfaces.
System Testing System testing evaluates the software product as a whole to validate end-to-end functionality, performance, security, and usability.
Unit Testing Unit testing involves testing individual components or units of the software in isolation to ensure they perform as expected.

7. Item Pass/Fail Criteria

Software items will pass the tests if the product is updated to meet the necessary requirements and functions properly.

8. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

Suspension Criteria:

Critical Defects: -Testing activities will be suspended if critical defects are identified, which significantly impair the functionality, performance, security, or usability of the software.

Resource Constraints: -If there are resource constraints such as unavailability of necessary test environments, tools, or personnel, testing activities may be suspended until these constraints are resolved.

Resumption Requirements:

-Defect Resolution: -Testing activities will resume once critical defects identified during the testing phase are fixed and verified to have been resolved satisfactorily.

Resource Availability: -Testing may resume once the necessary resources, including test environments, tools, and personnel, become available to support the testing activities effectively.

9. Test Deliverables

Test Plan: - A comprehensive document outlining the approach, scope, resources, schedule, and objectives of the testing activities.

Test Cases: - Detailed descriptions of individual test scenarios, including input data, expected results, and execution steps.

Test Data: - Required data sets for executing test cases, including both input and expected output data.

Test Summary Reports: - Summarized reports providing an overview of testing activities, including test execution results, defect metrics, and coverage analysis.

Test Logs: - Detailed logs capturing test execution activities, including timestamps, test results, and any relevant events or errors.

10. Testing Tasks

Test Planning:

  • Define testing objectives, scope, and strategy.
  • Identify resources, including personnel, tools, and environments.
  • Develop a test plan outlining the approach and schedule for testing activities.
  • Determine test metrics and success criteria.

Test Design:

  • Develop test cases based on requirements, user stories, or use cases.
  • Create test scenarios covering functional, non-functional, and edge cases.
  • Design test data and determine data sets required for testing.

Test Environment Setup:

  • Establish test environments, including hardware, software, and network configurations.
  • Install and configure necessary testing tools, frameworks, and dependencies.
  • Prepare test data and ensure data readiness for testing.

Test Execution:

  • Execute test cases manually or automate test scripts using testing tools.
  • Record test results, including pass/fail status and any observed defects.

Defect Management:

  • Document identified defects in a defect tracking system.

Test Reporting and Documentation:

  • Generate test reports summarizing test execution results, including coverage metrics, defect statistics, and overall quality assessments.
  • Document test logs, including test execution activities, observations, and any deviations from expected behavior.

11. Environmental Needs


  • Testing workstations or machines with adequate processing power and memory.
  • Devices for compatibility testing such as browsers
  • Test servers or virtual machines configured with the necessary software stack and dependencies for executing tests.


  • Stable and reliable network connectivity to access remote resources or services required for testing.
  • Network simulation tools for emulating various network conditions (e.g., latency, packet loss, bandwidth) during performance testing.

12. Responsibilities

Tester Responsibilities

Bug Identification: - Uncover and report bugs to contribute to product improvement.

Test Case Creation: - Craft comprehensive test cases to ensure thorough coverage.

Test Execution: - Methodically execute test cases to assess product functionality.

Documentation: - Document test cases for future reference and clarity.

Product Assessment: - Conduct qualitative and quantitative evaluations aligning with customer requirements.

13. Staffing and Training Needs

Training Requirements:

  • Identify any gaps in testers' skills and knowledge that may require training.
  • Learn from the the videos and course material more about testing.

Staffing needs

  • In case we need more testers or expertice, we can rely on course teachers and coaches.

14. Schedule

Testing will start in March in Sprint 05 Gate3

15. Risks and Contingencies

Resource Constraints:

  • Risk: Insufficient availability of testing resources such as testers, test environments, tools, or budget constraints.

Schedule Delays:

  • Risk: Project delays or changes in the development schedule may compress testing timelines.

Incomplete Requirements:

  • Risk: Ambiguous or incomplete requirements may lead to gaps in test coverage and inadequate validation of system functionality.

Software Defects:

  • Risk: The discovery of critical defects during testing may disrupt testing schedules and impact project timelines.

Security Vulnerabilities:

  • Risk: Security vulnerabilities discovered during testing may require additional security assessments and remediation efforts.

16. Approvals

Project Manager and Development Team Lead aprove the test plan